Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last Sunday

AM - MAP sets
3 sets @ 90%:
7 bar MUs
Run 200m
Walk 1 min b/t
10 min
3 sets @ 90%:
8 split snatches @ 115lb
Airdyne 45 sec
Walk 1 min

1) all about 1 min - felt good
2) complete

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

15 min jog + 20 min stretch + foam roll

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Last Saturday

AM - CF (CP) tester
For time:
OHS @ 155lb - 15,12,9,6,3 - bar taken from floor
Handstand Walk - 25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft

felt great - all OHS UB and 2-3 HS walks UB

Noon - CF tester (aerobic)
10 rounds for time:
10 C2B Chin-ups
10 Burpees to 6" Overhead

kept moving entire time - limiter was breathing on burpees- it was hot and i was moving slow

PM - Low intensity Rowing int's
2 x Row 2000m @ 75% effort, 4 min b.t sets - hold 1:53-1:55/500m the entire time

Held pace throughout

Friday, July 6, 2012

I hate hills

AM - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch intense(ish) + DL Speed + Upper CP tester
A. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough single - 5 sec b/t reps
B. Squat Snatch, 3 touch n go reps x 3 sets, 2 min - start @ 175lb, add per set
C. Deadlift @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 245lb x 10 sets, 1 min - focus on fast pull off floor each rep, follow tempo
D. AMRAP in 7 minutes:
10 KB Push Press @ 32kg/hand
5 L Pull-ups

A. 225/245/255 - felt OK, not great
B. 175/180/185
C. complete
D. 4 rounds + 5pp - got sloppy in 4th rounds, VERY tough and shoulders smoked!

PM - Lactic Hill runs
3 x 90 sec Hill Sprint @ 97%, 9-10 min b.t sets 

complete and yikes! About the same pace as last week 1 min intervals!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A lot of breathing

AM - 5-8 min tester
For time:
15 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
12 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
9 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
6 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
3 Thrusters - 135lb

breathing very controlled

PM - MAP Multi
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
15 Chin-ups
75 Double Unders
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
6 Ring Dips
6 Power Clean @ 95lb
6 Box Jumps - 24"
--15 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
7 OHS @ 115lb
15 GH Sit-ups
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
50m Prowler Push @ 135lb
Airdyne 30 sec

3 rounds + 15 DUs - DUs kept getting stuck
7 rounds + 1 power clean
4 rounds + 7OHS
4 rounds + 35m prowler

Legs are tired, going to enjoy the 4th of July and day off tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weightlifting and swimming

AM - Snatch intense + Clean intense(ish) + CP Battery(include Squatting)
A. Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 4-5 min - last set all out
B. Power Clean, build to a single
C. Front Squat @ 245lb, 2 reps per min for 10 minutes - bar taken from ground into squat clean on rep 1 every set
D. 10 rounds for time of "Nate" wearing 20lb vest

A. 185/185/195/195 - did not feel good in bottom of squat
B. 245/255/265/270f - almost had it
C. complete 
D. t= 10:11

PM - Swimming int's
120 sec continuous Swim x 7 sets, rest as needed to keep swim continuous and high effort

just shy of 125yds each interval - yeah I'm an awful swimmer but this is a HUGE improvement.
Rested 2 min after first 4 sets, then 6 min break, then rested 90 sec for last 3

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hills sprints and more!

AM - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch intense(ish) + DL Speed + Upper CP tester
A. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough double - 5 sec b/t reps
B. Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance. OHS, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 5 min - all tough sets, build to your 1st set
C. Deadlift @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 225lb x 12 sets, 1 min - focus on fast pull off floor each rep, follow tempo
D. 5 rounds for time:
5 unbroken Push Jerk @ 185lb
5 unbroken Muscle-ups

A. built to 250lb - felt solid
B. 185/190/195
C. felt VERY fast
D. 5:07

PM - Lactic Hill runs
5 x 60 sec Hill Sprint @ 97%, 8 min b.t sets

first 4 were consistent and good, then died on last one - could barely walk back down hammies were on FIRE - felt like 2009 Crossfit Games sandbag hill sprint- HOLY SHIT!

AM - CF (CP) tester
For time:
Hang Power Clean @ 225lb - 5,4,3,2,1
Handstand Walk - 25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft

t = 4:48
all UB except HS walk - those got hard!

Noon - CF tester (aerobic)
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
50m Run with 65lb Bar Locked out overhead
15 back squats 65lb

10 rounds + 5 squats
had to drop bar after 6th round, then did one more round before finishing with runs on back, shoulder smoked.  Wanted to keep it continuous. 

PM - Low intensity Rowing int's
5 x Row 1000m @ 75% effort, 2 min b.t sets

all about 1:53/500m ave pace - felt good, maybe more than 75% but very smooth throughout

AM - MAP sets
10 sets @ 90% effort:
10 C2B Chin-ups
10 Thrusters - 65lb
50 Double Unders
1:30 min b.t sets

all about 1:10- first 3 sets 65lb, then 4 sets 75lb, then 2 sets at 85lb

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running
*Also, include work with some strongman gear - keep it lite

will complete this afternoon- no strongman equipment today

Thursday, June 28, 2012

AM - Snatch intense + Clean intense(ish) + CP Battery(include Squatting)
A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 5 min - 90-95% effort
B. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 5 min - 90-95% effort
C. Front Squat @ 225lb, 3 reps per min for 10 minutes - bar taken from ground into squat clean on rep 1 every set
D. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 HSPU wearing 20lb vest
3 Rope Climbs wearing 20lb vest

A. 175/180/180/180x2+f - no pop at all today
B. 235/240/245/245 - felt a little better - hammies must be tired from weekend
C. complete- felt good
D. 7 rounds + 5HSPU

PM - Swimming int's
90 sec continuous Swim x 10 sets, rest as needed to keep swim continuous and high effort

complete - after I paid $24 for a stupid yuppie club!

AM - 5-8 min tester
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
7 Clean and Jerk @ 95lb
7 Box Jump Burpees - 24"
*Goal is 7 rounds

7 rounds + 2 burpee BJs- moved the entire time

PM - MAP Multi
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
5 OHS @ 95lb - bar taken from floor
5 C2B Chin-ups
15 Box Jumps - 20"
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
100m Prowler Push @ 90lb
100m Farmers Walk @ 24kg/hand
--15 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
5 Power Snatch @ 95lb
10 Ring Dips
15 Air Squats
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
100m Sled Pull @ 90lb
50 Double Unders

1) 6 rounds - smooth
2) 2 rounds + 60m
3) 6 rounds - ez
4) 2 rounds + 10m
notes: felt great tonight!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Brutal weekend!

Friday - AM - Clean intense + Snatch moderate + DL int + UB CP tester, PM - Aerobic Hill Repeats
A. Power Clean. Front Squat, 1.1 x 5 sets, 4-5 min
B. Power Snatch. OHS @ 185lb, 1.1 x 10 sets, 1 min
C. DL, quickly build to 90% 1RM for a single
D. For time:
20lb Vest Rope Climbs - 5,4,3,2,1
20lb Vest Ring Dips - 15,12,9,6,3

A. 245/255/260/260/260
B. complete - did some extra OHS at end
C. 375lb - felt awful - back rounded
D. t=6:21

5 min Run on flat @ 50% effort
10 x 1 min uphill run @ 90% effort (just below lactic), walk/jog down 2 min
5 min Run on flat @ 50% effort

Felt great

5 rounds for time - bar always taken from the floor:
10 Power Clean @ 185lb
10 Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 185lb
10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 185b

notes: lunges were toughest part, felt pretty good, good tester for me.

400m Prowler Push @ 185lb

notes: 200m = 5:30, then had nothing left for push back, could barely get it moving, sticky ground!

PM - Swimming int's
5 x 1 minute Swim @ high effort/1 min rest
10 min rest
5 x 1 min Swim @ high effort/1 min rest
5-7 min Treading Water tech work holding object

complete and felt good, need to practice more efficient kicking

AM - MAP sets
5 sets @ high aerobic effort:
7 Muscle-ups
35 Wall Balls - 20#
1 min b/t sets
15 min
5 sets @ high aerobic effort:
200ft Bear Crawl wearing 20lb Vest
60 sec Airdyne 
1:30 min b.t sets
15 min 
5 sets @ high aerobic effort:
10 KBS - 32kg
7 Burpees
4 x 10 meters shuttle run - touch floor each turn around
7 Burpees
4 x 10 meters shuttle run - touch floor each turn around
2 min b.t sets

1) all unbroken but longer rest between MU and wb - 1:40/1:44/1:45/1:49/1:56
2) complete
3) all about 1:15 - could use to practice more agility

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

15min stretch
15min jog
10 min practice HS walk/freestanding HSPU
15 min jog


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tuesday - AM - Snatch intense + Clean moderate + Back Squat with Chains + Prowler LP1, PM - Rowing MAP
A. Low Hang Squat Snatch, build to a 1RM - static start @ position from knee caps, not dynamic
B. Squat Clean Thruster, 1 tough rep per min for 10 mins - start @ 205lb, add load as you lcan
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 2 reps x 8 sets, 3 min - 90% effort per set
D. Prowler Sprint @ BWT, 30 sec ALL OUT x 5 sets, 5-7 min b.t sets

A. 155/175/185/195/205/215f
B. 205x2/215x3/220/225x2/230f+1/230/
C. 245x4sets/250x3 sets/255 - all + 60lb chains
D. complete

10 x 45 sec Row @ 50% effort/45 sec Row @ 2k PR pace - use Damper # 3 for these 10 sets
High Hang Squat Snatch @ 135lb, 3 perfect/fast reps x 5 sets, 2 min
10 x 45 sec Row @ 50% effort/45 sec Row @ 2k PR pace - use Damper # 6 for these 10 sets

complete @ 1:40 pace- tough!
snatch practice complete

Wednesday - AM - LEnd - varied, PM - MAP Multi
AMRAP in 3 minutes - Go Hard:
7 Clean and Jerk @ 95lb
7 Burpees to 6" OH
7 C2B
Rest 15 min
AMRAP in 3 minutes - Go Hard:
7 Clean and Jerk @ 95lb
7 Burpees to 6" OH
7 C2B

3 rounds + 4 burpees/3 rounds + 5 burpees

5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
25 Thrusters @ 65lb
25 Box Jumps - 20"
25 GH Sit-ups
--5 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
100m Prowler Push @ 45lb load
10 Box Jump Burpees - 30" box
--15 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
25 OHS @ 65lb
50 Double Unders
25 DL @ 95lb
50 Double Unders
--5 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
100m Run with 20lb Med Ball on Chest
15 Toes to Bar

1) 2 rounds
2) 2 rounds + 100m + 1 burpee
3) 43 DUs shy of 2 rounds - not moving very fast
4) 4 rounds

Sunday, June 17, 2012

3 day training weekend

Friday - AM - Clean intense + Snatch moderate + DL int + UB CP tester, PM - Aerobic Hill Repeats
A. Squat Clean. Front Squat, 1.1 x 5 sets, 4-5 min
B. Squat Snatch @ 185lb, 2 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 2 min
C. Romanian @ 30X0, 2-2-2-2-2, 4-5 min - full effort
D. For time:
20lb Vest Muscle-ups - 5,4,3,2,1
20lb Vest HSPU to 2" depth - 10,8,6,4,2

A. 235/245/255/260/260 (failed the clean, couldn't get out of hole)
B. complete - felt good and easy
C. 305/305/310/310/315
D. t = 9:13 - was doing singles at end - fell apart

5 min Run on flat @ 50% effort
5 x 2 min uphill run @ 90% effort (just below lactic), walk/jog down 3-4 min
5 min Run on flat @ 50% effort

went pretty hard first one and made the rest VERY tough!

CrossFit Tester - try to include a heavy OH lift in the test (OHS, Jerk)
5 rope climbs 15'
5 Clean and Jerks 185lb
4 RCs
4 C+J 195lb
3 RCs
3 C+J 205lb
2 RCs
2 C+J 215lb
1 RC
1 C+J 225lb


PM - Swimming int's
5 x 1 minute Swim @ high effort/1 min rest
10 min rest
5 x 1 min Swim @ high effort/1 min rest
5-7 min Treading Water tech work

Results: about 65yds each min - best swimming ever felt

AM - MAP sets
7 x @ high aerobic effort: 30 sec Airdyne/30 sec recovery
5-7 min
5 x @ high aerobic effort: 1 minute Prowler Push @ very load load/1 min rest
5-7 min
3 x @ high/consistent aerobic effort: 1 minute Bear Crawl wearing 20lb vest/1 minute Walking Lunges wearing 20lb vest/2 min rest
5-7 min
1 x 1 min KBS - 24kg/1 min Burpees/1 min KBS - 24kg

AD = jamming!
prowler + 45lb - hurt!
Bear crawl + lunges = complete
KBS= 28/round; burpees = 26

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

15 foam roll+ 6 min stretch
12 min jog
5x: 5 yd HS walk, 3 kipping HSPU, 10 Hollow ROcks, 3x KB OHS, 10 sec L-sit
12 min jog

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuesday - AM - Snatch intense + Clean moderate + Back Squat with Chains + Prowler LP1, PM - Swimming int's
A. High Hang Squat Snatch, build to a 1RM - static start @ position, not dynamic
B. Power Clean. Squat Clean, 2.1 x 3 sets, 4-5 min
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 3 reps x 7 sets, 3 min - 90% effort per set
D. Prowler Sprint @ BWT, 20 sec ALL OUT x 5 sets, 4-5 min b.t sets

A. 155/165/175/185/195f/195 - liked these a lot as I had to be quick under
B. 240/245/250
C. 235/235/235/240/245/245/245 all plus 60lb chains
D. complete felt great

25 yard Swim with carrying lite object in one arm x 20 sets, rest as needed b/t repeats

tried 10 laps with 15lb medball but kind of weird so swam for 10 additional minutes which was tough.

Wednesday - AM - LEnd - varied, PM - MAP Multi
15,12,9 for time @ 97%:
Power Snatch @ 95lb 
10 min rest
15,12,9 for time @ 97%:
Power Clean @ 115lb

notes: very tough but consistent throughout

5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
75 Double Unders
5 touch n go Squat Clean @ 115lb
--5 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
100m Farmers Carry/Run with 16kg/hand
10 Burpee Box Jumps - 24"
--15 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
75 Double Unders
10 OHS @ 95lb
10 Ring Dips
--5 min recovery
5 minutes of work @ high aerobic effort:
100m Run with 10kg plate held overhead
100ft Bear Crawl
100ft Walking Lunges

1) 3 rounds + 10DUs
2) 3 rounds + 50m run
3) 2 rounds + 5 ring dips - DUs fell apart
4) 3 rounds

Sunday, June 10, 2012

AM - Clean intense + Snatch moderate + DL int + Press intense + Depth HSPU volume
A. Push Jerk, build to heavy single
B. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 4 min - full effort
C. Hang Power Snatch @ 155lb, 5 fast reps x 5 sets, 3 min
D. Romanian Deadlift @ 30X0, 2-2-2-2-2, 3 min - 90-95% effort per set
E. HSPU to extra depth, 3 tough reps per min for 10 mins

A. 235/245/260/270/ 280f
B. 245/250/255
C. complete 
D. 265/275/275/285/295
E. Complete

PM - hill sprints - varied
5 x 30 sec Hill Sprint @ 95-97% effort, 5 min b/t - wear a 20lb vest
3 x 3 min consistent uphill grind @ high aerobic effort/4-5 min jog back down - not wearing a vest

tough with vest - slowed the last couple
3 min felt good and consistent

Saturday - Noon - CF tester
with Khalipa at Norcal Crossfit
1 min on each rotating x 3 sets
yoke walk
20' rope climb
back lever
freestanding HSPU
20 min alternating every minute:
205lb front squat from ground- last 4 sets = 215/220/225/230
12 CTB pullups
7 min amrap
10 wallballs
10 KBS 70lb
farmers carry 70lb KB/hand 30 yards

just shy of 6 full rounds

PM - Swimming
10 min Swim tech work
7-10 min Swim while carrying/pulling object, work/rest as you feel
7-10 min treading water tech work

20 min swim tech work - didn't have anything to drag
7 min tread water hands out of water practice

Sunday - AM - low intensity MAP, 
12 x 1 min Row @ 50%/1 min Row @ 80%
5 min
12 x 1 min Row @ 50%/1 min Row @ 80%

complete - ave/500m = 2:06.5/2:06

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

20 min foam roll
10 min jog
5 rds:
3-4 kipping HSPU
7-10 yd HS walk
10 sec L-sit
10 Hollow rocks
10 min jog

AM - Snatch intense + Back Squat with Chains/MU Volume + Clean moderate
A. Snatch Pull @ 110% RM, 1 powerful rep x 5 sets, 1 min
B. Squat Snatch, 1 rep x 9 sets, 1:30 min - 3 sets @ 80% RM, 3 sets @ 85% RM, 3 sets @ 90% RM
C1. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 4-4-2-2-2, 2 min
C2. Muscle-ups, 8-10 reps x 5 sets, 2 min
D. touch n go Squat Clean @ 185lb, 3 reps per min for 10 mins

A. 245lb - felt heavy
B. 180/190/200 (f x 3) + 200 on 4th try - no pop today
C1. 255/255/265/275/280 - all sets + 60lb chains (last set tough)
C2. 10-10-10-8-8
D. complete - tough after everything else

PM - Swimming int's
30 x 25 yard Swim per min
Treading Water with 15-20lb object practice - 5-7 min

25 x 30m sprint per minute - a little longer pool made it tougher

Wednesday - AM - LP1/LP2, PM - MAP sets
4 x Prowler Sprint 30 sec ALL OUT @ low load, 4 min b/t sets
4 x ALL OUT: 25 sec Clean and Jerk @ 115lb/25 sec Airdyne, 5 min b/t sets

prowler felt good
C+J= 9 or 10 reps/rd - felt solid

10 sets @ moderate effort:
12 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
50 sec Airdyne 
1 min b/t sets


Thursday - off

Monday, June 4, 2012


AM - Clean intense + Snatch moderate + DL int + Press intense + Depth HSPU volume
A. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 3 min - 80%
B. Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 4 min - 90% effort
C. Clean Grip DL Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 4 min - only last set tough
D1. Split Jerk, 1 rep x 5 sets, 10 sec - moderate effort per set
D2. HSPU to Extra Depth @ 20X0, 3 tough reps x 5 sets, 90 sec

A. 205/215/220
B. 230/240/245
C. 325/335/350
D1. 225/235/235/235/245
D2. made them tough!

PM - hill sprints - varied
5 x 25 sec Uphill Sprint ALL OUT, 4 min b/t sets
3 x 60 sec Uphill Sprint @ 95%, 6 min b/t sets

Hill sprints - felt good
60 sec - not much left in legs

Saturday - Noon - CF tester
For time:
10 Hang Squat Clean Thruster - 155lb
Run 100m
8 Hang Squat Clean Thruster - 155lb
Run 100m
6 Hang Squat Clean Thruster - 155lb
Run 100m
4 Hang Squat Clean Thruster - 155lb
Run 100m
2 Hang Squat Clean Thruster - 155lb

4:49 - squat stamina needs some work - all UB but runs were VERY slow!

PM - Swimming
10 min Swim tech work
7-10 min Swim while carrying/pulling object, work/rest as you feel
7-10 min treading water tech work

swim technique work
pulled an object for a few laps
practiced treading water - not very good yet

Sunday - AM - low intensity MAP, 
10 x 1 min Row @ 50%/1 min Row @ 80%
5 min
10 x 1 min Row @ 50%/1 min Row @ 80%

complete - 80% = 1:54 pace - legs were tired

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

stretched + foam roll 20 min
15 min jog
4 rounds:
6-10 sec L-sit
10 yd HS walk UB
5-10 hollow rocks

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AM - Snatch intense + Back Squat with Chains/MU Volume + Clean moderate
A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 3 min - 80% effort
B. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1 x 3 sets, 4 min - 90% effort
C1. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 5-5-3-3, 2 min
C2. Muscle-ups, 8-10 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
D. Hang Squat Clean, 3-3-3-3-3, 2 min - 80% effort per set

A. 155/165/170
B. 180/185/185
C1. 235/250/265/275 + 60lb of chains
C2. 10/10/10/8 - had no more in tank
D. 165/175/185/190/195 - all quick and ez

PM - Swimming int's
20 x 25 yard Swim per min
Treading Water practice - 5-7 min

25 yd - pushed about 90% each set b/t 18-20 sec - pretty easy
treading water - easy but very difficult if take arms out of it

Wednesday - AM - LP1/LP2, PM - MAP sets
5 x Prowler Sprint 25 sec ALL OUT @ low load, 3 min b/t sets
3 x ALL OUT: 12 Power Clean @ 135lb/15 Burpees, 5 min b/t sets

prowler + 45lb - last two really hurt
(15 min rest)
part 2 - each set 52 sec - not too bad after my hammies got some blood back to them

10 sets @ moderate effort:
10 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
50 sec Airdyne 
1 min b/t sets


Friday, May 25, 2012


Regionals did not go exactly as planned, except that I qualified.  As the weekend went along I had no clue how well I was going to do in each workout since they did not go how I imagined.  I was failing on reps I imagined I would get.  I thought I could do HSPU unbroken, I thought I could do hang cleans in 3's, I thought I could snatch 225lb, I didn't think I could do the single arm DB snatch unbroken, none of these happened.  By the last workout, I told myself to leave nothing on the table and just go by feeling, this went very well.  I have a couple more months to refine some things before I do it again July 13th in Carson.  First workout back will be tomorrow and Sunday, then I will have a good training week before I hit it hard for about 5 weeks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

few days before Regionals

A1. Double Unders, 20 reps x 6 sets, 20 sec
A2. Snatch, 1 rep x 6 sets, 20 sec - start @ 155lb - add 10lbs per set - end @ 205lb and no more
B. Hang Power Clean @ 225lb, 2 fast reps x 5 sets, 1 min
C1. DL @ 20X0, 3 reps @ 345lb x 4 sets, 30 sec
C2. HSPU, 12 reps x 4 sets, 30 sec
D. Chin-ups, 10 unbroken x 5 sets, 20 sec

all complete

PM: 3 hour massage! Well-needed as I need to put my body back together!

DB Power Snatch speed work @ 100lbs, 6 reps fast x 5 sets, 1 min - practice fast transitions on the floor
Row 2000m
30 Pistols as fast as possible
30 unbroken unanchored sit-ups x 3 sets, 2 min

all complete

PM: Ice bath

Thursday - off

Sunday, May 13, 2012

last weekend of prep

Thursday - off

Friday - AM - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + DL moderate, PM - Gym Volume
A1. Double Unders, 20 fast reps x 7 sets, 20 sec
A2. Snatch, 1 rep x 7 sets, 20 sec - start @ 175lb, add 5lbs per set
B. Hang Power Clean, build to a tough single
C1. DL @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 265lb x 8 sets, 30 sec
C2. HSPU, 8-10 fast reps x 8 sets, 30 sec

A1 + A2 - complete
B. 250lb fairly easily - practiced some at 225lb
C1 + C2 - complete

For time - push hard:
21 Wall Balls - 20# to 11ft
21 Toes to Bar
21 Wall Balls - 20# to 11ft
21 Toes to Bar
21 Wall Balls - 20# to 11ft
21 Toes to Bar
100ft Heavy Farmers Walk
28 Burpee Box Jumps - 24" - try jumping over the box for a few reps to see how fast/easy it is
100ft Heavy Farmers Walk
3 Muscle-ups

pushed very hard in this but felt very consistent throughout, I can imagine the pain after the deadlifts and muscle ups.

3 sets @ controlled effort:
15 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135lb
15 Back Squats @ 135lb
15 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
2 min
10 min
3 sets @ controlled effort:
20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 85lb
20 Front Squat @ 85lb
20 Chin-ups
2 min

part 1) all around 1:20
part 2) all around 1:40 - burned the shoulders real good!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tues Training Day

Wed - AM - MAP Airdyne, PM - LEnd
15 x 30 sec Airdyne @ 50%/90 sec Airdyne @ 80%

complete - all good

5 sets ALL OUT:
5 MUs

20 pullups
30 sec airdyne
Rest 5 x work time

all 1:15 sec 

laid off back today, lots of stretching and icing the next couple days

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Snatch PR

Tuesday - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + Squat Moderate
A. Snatch, build to a 95% RM for a single - go for a new PR if it feels good
B. Hang Power Clean @ 225lb, 3 reps per 30 sec for 5 mins
C1. DL @ 315lb, 5 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 10 sec - add 10lbs per set
C2. Muscle-ups, 7 unbroken x 5 sets, 1 min

A. 175/185/195/205/215/225f/225
skipped the rest - tweaked back a little bit



Sunday, May 6, 2012

very brutal week

Wed - AM - MAP Airdyne, PM - LEnd
15 x 40 sec Airdyne @ 50%/80 sec Airdyne @ 80%

complete felt great

5 sets ALL OUT:
10 Box Jump Burpees  -24"
15 Thrusters - 95lb
20 Chin-ups
Rest 5 x work time

1:28/1:18/1:26/1:27/1:29 - not sure where that 2nd one came from
notes: I did burpee jump over the box - very tough and painful but felt pretty darn good

Friday - AM - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + DL moderate, PM - Gym Volume
A. Power Snatch Cluster @ 80% effort, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 5 min
B. Press @ 21X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 4-5 min
C1. DL @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 245lb x 10 sets, 30 sec
C2. HSPU, 7 fast reps x 10 sets, 30 sec

A. 170/175/175/180
B. 165/170/175/180x2/180x2
C1 + C2 - complete and easy

9-1 unbroken Muscle-up Ladder for time
50,40,30,20,10 rep rds for time:
Back Extensions
Unanchored Sit-ups

MUs = 9:15
couplet = 11:01 (tough on hammies!)

Saturday - "Flow" + Skills
Row 10 min @ 1:55/500m
30 Pistols for time
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
DB Power Snatch tech work
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
30 Pistols for time
Row 10 min @ 1:55/500m

row complete then right into 30 pistols unbroken in about 1:22
double unders complete
stayed light on snatch shoulders are toast
2nd set of pistols right after DUs in 1:09
2nd row about 1:54 pace and fairly easy

Sunday - AM - CF tester, PM - MAP ME (specific to Regionals)
Event # 4

10 sets @ moderate effort:
1 min Airdyne
1 min Box Jump Burpees @ 24"

today felt all around good - a good breathing day and confidence booster for in two weeks. Breathing was very hard today!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

snatch PR

Tuesday - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + Squat Moderate
A. Snatch, build to a 95% RM for a single - go for a new PR if it feels good
B. Hang Power Clean @ 225lb, 5 reps per min for 7 mins
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 5-4-3-3, 5 min - 90% effort per set

A. 185/195/205/210/220 (5lb PR, video below)
B. failed the 5th reps of set 4, 6, and 7 - very tough!
C. 255/265/275/275 - all plus 60lb of chains



Sunday, April 29, 2012

weekend volume and tester

Friday - AM - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + DL moderate, PM - Gym Volume
A. Power Snatch Cluster @ 80% effort, x 4 sets, 5 min
B. Push Press @ 10X0, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, 4-5 min
C1. DL @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 225lb x 12 sets, 30 sec
C2. HSPU, 6 fast reps x 12 sets, 30 sec
D. Muscle-ups, as many sets of 5 unbroken as possible in 7 minutes

A. 165/170/170/175
B. 185/190/195 - all x 10
C1 + C2- complete unbroken and fast
D. 7 rounds + 3 + f as time ran out

AMRAP Pistols in 1 min x 3 sets, 1 min
20 unbroken Chin-ups per min for up to 7 mins
10 sets:
10 Ring Push-ups
10 GH Sit-ups
10 GH Raises
1 min rest

pistols = 28/32/30
pullups = all unbroken challenging
triplet = all unbroken easy

Saturday - "Flow" + Skills
Row 10 min @ 1:55/500m
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
DB Power Snatch tech work
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
Row 10 min @ 1:55/500m

rows complete
DUs complete
SA snatch practiced hip power and positioning overhead

Sunday - AM - CF tester, PM - MAP ME (specific to Regionals)
Event # 3

7 minutes of work @ moderate effort:
15 Back Squat @ 135lb
15 Toes to Bar
Run 400m
--10 min recovery
7 minutes of work @ moderate effort:
15 Push Press @ 85lb
15 Front Squat @ 85lb
Run 400m

part 1) 2 rounds + 200m run
part 2) 2 rounds + 210m run
notes: part 2 was challenging on shoulders

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week of Training

Tuesday - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + Squat Moderate
A. Snatch, build to a 90% RM for a double
B. Hang Power Clean @ 225lb, 3 reps per min for 10 mins
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 7-5-3, 5 min - 90% effort per set

A. 175/185/195/200x2
B. complete - challenging but much more in tank
C. 235/255/270 - all plus 60lb of chains

Wed - AM - MAP Airdyne, PM - 60/90/120 LEnd - fatigue sets
15 x 50 sec Airdyne @ 50%/70 sec Airdyne @ 80%

complete - feeling good

5 sets @ 95% effort:
21 Thrusters - 75lb
21 Chin-ups
Rest 5 min b/t sets

1:09/1:07/1:07/1:05/1:04 - fairly easy

Thursday - off

Sunday, April 22, 2012

weekend volume + "Amanda" PR

Friday - AM - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + DL moderate, PM - Gym Volume
A. Hang Power Clean, 5-5-5, 5 min
B. Push Jerk, 15-15-15-, 5-7 min - focus on quick turnover of reps, no pausing at all
C. DL @ 225lb, 15 touch n go reps x 5 sets, 2 min

A. 225/230x4+f/230x5
B. 165/170/175 - all felt fast
C. complete

10 unbroken HSPU per min for up to 10 mins
15 unbroken Chin-ups per min for up to 10 mins
5 sets:
20 Pistols
20 GH Sit-ups
20 GH Back Extensions @ 2020
2 min b/t sets

kipping HSPU - 4 rounds + 9 + 1 + 5 in the 6th round + 1 + 1 (wanted to see how i managed after I failed)
butterfly pullups - 10 rounds complete fairly easily
5 rounds= 2:30/2:36/2:38/2:34/2:42 - pistols were easy

Saturday - "Flow" + Skills
Row 10 min @ 2:00/500m
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
Turkish Get-up tech work with 32kg KB - few reps per arm
20 fast double unders x 10 sets, 20 sec
Row 10 min @ 2:00/500m

row complete
DUs complete no breaks
TGU - 4/arm with 70lb, 1/arm with 88lb, 1/arm with 100lb
DUs complete - a couple breaks
row complete

Sunday - AM - CF tester, PM - MAP ME (specific to Regionals)

t=3:42 (PR by 2 seconds)
10 minutes of work @ moderate effort:
10 Back Squat @ 135lb
10 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ moderate effort:
10 Front Squat @ 85lb
10 Knees to Elbows
Run 200m

part 1) 6 rounds
part 2) 6 rounds + 5 squats

Thursday, April 19, 2012

4/18 - more PAIN

Wed - AM - MAP Airdyne, PM - 60/90/120 LEnd - fatigue sets
15 x 1 min Airdyne @ 50%/1 min Airdyne @ 80%

complete - felt fine

2 x Run 400m @ 95-97%, rest 4 min b/t sets
15 min
2 x Row 500m @ 95%, rest 6 min b/t sets
15 min
2 x @ 95%: 15 Power Snatch @ 95lb/15 Burpees/15 Power Snatch @ 95lb/15 Burpees, rest 7 min b/t sets

400m run = 61 sec for each
500m row = 129.4/129.5
couplet= 2:38/2:54 - all unbroken but burpees were VERY slow - had no power left and really didn't think I was going to get through it

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tues - Strength - Snatch PR

Tuesday - Oly intense + Oly Stamina + Squat Moderate
A. Snatch, build to a 1RM
B. Power Clean into Push Jerk @ 225lb, 1 rep every 30 sec for 10 mins - focus on fast transition from rack to overhead
C. Back Squat with Chains @ 20X1, 8-6-4, 5 min - 90% effort per set

A. 175/185/195/205/215 PR/225(f)/210/220(f)
didn't mean to go down to 210, thought it was 220 but felt great, 225 felt awful
B. complete - challenging
C. 210/230/250 - all plus 60lb of chains



Sunday, April 15, 2012

4/15 - another fun Sunday

Sunday - AM - CrossFit tester, PM - MAP ME
For time:
C2B Chins - 30,25,20,15,10
Push Jerk (155lb) - 15,12,9,6,3
*Sub 8 min

1st round unbroken, then most sets cut in half - easier than anticipated

10 minutes of work @ high/consistent effort:
Airdyne 1 min
KBS - 24kg 1 min
--10 min recovery
10 minute of work @ high/consistent effort:
400m Run
30 Wall Balls - 20#
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ high/consistent effort:
Row 1 min
Burpees 1 min

part 1) airdyne consistent, 26 KBS/round all unbroken
part 2) 3 rounds + 400m run + 1 wallball
part 3) row about 1:50 pace + 20 or 21 burpees every round
felt great throughout

Saturday, April 14, 2012

4/14 - very painful intervals

Saturday - LEnd 120 sec x 3 sets
3 sets @ 95%:
20 Thruster - 105lb
Row 400m
Rest 3 x work time

I didn't think these would be that tough, I was destroyed after the last one, the row fell off about 3-4 seconds.

Friday, April 13, 2012

4/13 - clean + press + deadlift + DU

Friday - Clean Intense + Jerk Intense + DL Stamina + DU work
A. Squat Clean Cluster @ 90%+ effort, x 5 sets, 3 min - try to use same loads as last week
B. Push Press @ 11X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 4-5 min
C. Deadlift @ 325lb, 5 fast touch n go reps per min for 5 mins
D. 75 Double Unders per min for as many minutes as possible (up to a maximum of 10 minutes)

A. 230/235/235/240/240
B. 215/225/235x2/235x3/240x2
C. I think I did 6 sets - felt great
D. couldn't string any together during minute 1 so re-started: got through 3 rounds and the 4th round took 7 second over. 4 rounds in 4:07

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4/11 - double

Wed - AM - MAP Running, LEnd 60/90 sec x 6 sets
6 x 3 min uphilll run @ 85% effort/3-5 min lite run back down

complete: very fatigued afterward!

3 sets @ 95-97% effort:
15 Power Snatch - 115lb
Row 150m
Rest 3 x work time
15 min recovery
3 sets @ 95% effort:
15 Power Clean - 135lb
Airdyne 30 sec
Rest 3 x work time

part 1: 1:10/1:12/1:12
part 2: 1:05/1:08/1:09
grip killer but felt better tonight than last week which was BRUTALIZING

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/10 - Strength Day

Tuesday - Snatch intense + Front Squat with Chains + CGBP/Wtd Chin
A. Squat Snatch @ 95% effort, 2-1-2-1-2-1, 5 min b/t sets - 2% higher for each 2-1
B. Front Squat with Chains @ 42X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 4 min
C1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 20X1, 2-3 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C2. Wtd Supinated Chin-ups @ 21X1, 3-5 x 4 sets, 2 min

A. 175/185/180/190/185/195+205 (video below)
B. 195/205/215x2x3 sets - all weights plus 60lb of chains
C1. 235/250/260x3x2sets
C2. 60lb/70lb/80x4/80x3

Monday, April 9, 2012

4/9 - Easter Double Day

Sunday - AM - CrossFit tester, PM - MAP ME
Achieve highest possible ladder in 10 mins:
+1 OHS - 135lb (bar taken from floor)
+1 Muscle-ups

I assumed a ladder had to be unbroken, so rested until I could complete each round unbroken, then failed on 6th MU of round 8 - finished with 3 singles then 1 snatch before time ran out.  OHS easy, MU still the difficult part.

10 minutes of work @ high/consistent effort:
75 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls - 20#
10 Knees to Elbows
--10 min recovery
10 minute of work @ high/consistent effort:
10 Squat Clean Thrusters - 95lb
10 Chin-ups
Run 400m
--10 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ high/consistent effort:
10 SDLHP - 75lb
10 Ring Dips
Row 300m

part 1) 4 rounds + 56 DUs - 1st round DUs unbroken, then horribly broken
part 2) 3 rounds + 2 pullups - runs were so slow - like 2min and slower
part 3) 5 rounds + 10 SDHP

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sat 4/7 pain intervals

Saturday - LEnd 120 sec x 3 sets
3 sets @ 95%:
10 Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk - 155lb
Row 400m
Rest 3 x work time

all unbroken and fast - last one was only real painful one!

Friday, April 6, 2012

4/6 - strength + DUs

Friday - Clean Intense + Jerk Intense + DL Stamina + DU work
A. Squat Clean Cluster @ 90% effort, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 3 min
B. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 3.2.1 x 3 sets, 5 min
C. Deadlift @ 315lb, 5 fast touch n go reps per min for 5 mins
D. 10 x 30 sec Double Unders/30 sec rest

A. 225/230/230/235/240
B. 205/215/215
C. complete - felt good
D. all right around 50 - only 3 trip ups throughout

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4/4 - tough double

Wed - AM - MAP Running, LEnd 60/90 sec x 6 sets
5 x 3 min uphilll run @ 85% effort/3-5 min lite run back down

complete: felt good and tough, foot felt great

3 sets @ 95-97% effort:
21 Thrusters - 105lb
21 Chest to Bar Chin-ups
Rest 3 x work time
15 min recovery
3 sets @ 95% effort:
15 Power Clean - 115lb
15 Bar Facing Burpees
30 sec Airdyne
Rest 3 x work time

part 1: 1:15/1:15/1:17
smoked after this, felt a little pukie 
part 2: 2:02/1:54/1:45
still recovering from the first 3 sets but got better throughout

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4 days off + strong day back

Took 4 days off down in SLO for well needed relaxation with all my friends.

Back on today and felt great

Tuesday - Snatch intense + Front Squat with Chains + CGBP/Wtd Chin
A. Squat Snatch @ 90% effort, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 5 min b/t sets - 2-5% higher on sets 4/5/6
B. Front Squat with Chains @ 42X1, 2-3 reps x 5 sets, 4 min
C1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, 2 min
C2. Wtd Pronated Chin-up Cluster @ 30X0, x 3 sets, 2 min

A. 155/170/180/165/175/190 + 190 (extra set to get a better feel - felt solid)
B. 175/195/210/220x2/215x2 (all plus 60lb of chains; lost tempo @ 220lb so went down 5lb)
C1. 225/240x5/240x5
C2. 55lb/65lb/75lb