A. Back Squat with bands - 135# plus bands as before; 12 sets of 2 @ 20X1; rest 45 sec
B. Hang Squat Snatch - quickly build to a tough single
C. 1-5 hang squat snatch unbroken ladder in 10 min - 135#
B. Hang Squat Snatch - quickly build to a tough single
C. 1-5 hang squat snatch unbroken ladder in 10 min - 135#
The back squats felt very fast. I got more depth and had more stability coming out of the hole than previously. These are coming around so we will see how they carry over to heavier loads when I work up to some weight at the end of this week.
I worked up to 185lb on the hang snatch, which is a PR! This felt solid. Here is the video:
Part C, I did 1 squat snatch, 2 unbroken squat snatches, 3 unbroken, 4 unbroken, 5 unbroken, then repeated for as many rounds as possible in 10 min. This got very tough as I did more rounds than anticipated. I didn't know what to expect on this wod, so I just jumped in and finished strong. Here is the video:
Nice job on the snatch PR Joey! I just watched the video about 8 times trying to study your form. The snatch is by far my worst lift. Inspiring video!