Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years with Kettlebells + Situps

Last night my New Year's was pretty relaxed.  I had a beer and not too bad of food.  I celebrated the New Year on East Coast time, 9PM here.  It was perfect, I have celebrated this holiday plenty of times before and I hadn't seen the clock strike midnight all year, so I wasn't going to start the last day of the year.  I fell asleep on my couch 10 min before midnight, then my girlfriend woke me up with a kiss and I went straight to bed waking up refreshed and ready to start a great year of training.  I have a lot planned for 2011,  I think big things will happen.  I will go over some of my goals in a later post. 

Today I started with some clean and jerks at 80% effort with 195lb for sets of 3, plus deadlifts at 80% effort with 325lb for sets of 3.


5 Rounds for time of:
10 KB snatch R arm 53lb
10 KB snatch L arm 53lb
20 GHD situps
t= 8:17

Yesterday I did  20 min row @ 1:57 pace which felt great.  Then I practiced skills with the KB such as running and overhead work + muscle up practice + ring HSPU practice

A couple days ago I did squat cleans and front squats with a ton of pullups, total of 125 chin over vertical plane pullups.  This got me a little sore but not too bad.  Still working on squat strength and speed.

Tomorrow is a day off and I plan on sitting in my ice bath again.  I really think the 10 min I'm spending in ice has been absolutely crucial with my recovery right now!


  1. Hope you have a good safe year and I look forward to seeing you in Cali in the summer!!

    is James doing your progamming for you?
    Also, how are you doing your ice baths? Ive heard of doing like 5 in ice, 5 in hot, then back to ice. have you played with it or are you just doing 10 mins straight?

  2. Thanks man, James is doing my programming right now, so Im following everything he says. He is just having me sit in an ice bath for 10-15 min every other day, this is the same thing I did back in college. Haven't experimented with hot cold yet, but the 10 min in ice works wonders!

  3. Did Tay take these photos? They are really good Joey!
