Friday, April 3, 2009

Crossfit WOD:
Scaled WOD
1-5 rounds
Run/jog/walk 400m
Squat with dumbells overhead/at shoulders/at sides/no weight 15 reps
My Workout:
Clean & Jerk 1RM
21-15-9 Back Squat (205lb) & handstand pushup (4:54)
500m row to 21 ring dips, 400m row to 15 ring dips, 250m row to 9 ring dips

Here is a great link to nutrition for athletes. It also gives a good review of the paleolithic diet and anyone who follows these nutritional guidelines can become healthier.

1 comment:

  1. Joey is crazy buff! What a stud! OooOOOOuu!

    Love, Coley
