Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last Sunday

AM - MAP sets
3 sets @ 90%:
7 bar MUs
Run 200m
Walk 1 min b/t
10 min
3 sets @ 90%:
8 split snatches @ 115lb
Airdyne 45 sec
Walk 1 min

1) all about 1 min - felt good
2) complete

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running

15 min jog + 20 min stretch + foam roll

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Last Saturday

AM - CF (CP) tester
For time:
OHS @ 155lb - 15,12,9,6,3 - bar taken from floor
Handstand Walk - 25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft

felt great - all OHS UB and 2-3 HS walks UB

Noon - CF tester (aerobic)
10 rounds for time:
10 C2B Chin-ups
10 Burpees to 6" Overhead

kept moving entire time - limiter was breathing on burpees- it was hot and i was moving slow

PM - Low intensity Rowing int's
2 x Row 2000m @ 75% effort, 4 min b.t sets - hold 1:53-1:55/500m the entire time

Held pace throughout

Friday, July 6, 2012

I hate hills

AM - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch intense(ish) + DL Speed + Upper CP tester
A. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough single - 5 sec b/t reps
B. Squat Snatch, 3 touch n go reps x 3 sets, 2 min - start @ 175lb, add per set
C. Deadlift @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 245lb x 10 sets, 1 min - focus on fast pull off floor each rep, follow tempo
D. AMRAP in 7 minutes:
10 KB Push Press @ 32kg/hand
5 L Pull-ups

A. 225/245/255 - felt OK, not great
B. 175/180/185
C. complete
D. 4 rounds + 5pp - got sloppy in 4th rounds, VERY tough and shoulders smoked!

PM - Lactic Hill runs
3 x 90 sec Hill Sprint @ 97%, 9-10 min b.t sets 

complete and yikes! About the same pace as last week 1 min intervals!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A lot of breathing

AM - 5-8 min tester
For time:
15 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
12 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
9 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
6 Thrusters - 135lb
Row 300m
3 Thrusters - 135lb

breathing very controlled

PM - MAP Multi
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
15 Chin-ups
75 Double Unders
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
6 Ring Dips
6 Power Clean @ 95lb
6 Box Jumps - 24"
--15 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
7 OHS @ 115lb
15 GH Sit-ups
--5 min recovery
5 minutes @ 90% effort:
50m Prowler Push @ 135lb
Airdyne 30 sec

3 rounds + 15 DUs - DUs kept getting stuck
7 rounds + 1 power clean
4 rounds + 7OHS
4 rounds + 35m prowler

Legs are tired, going to enjoy the 4th of July and day off tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weightlifting and swimming

AM - Snatch intense + Clean intense(ish) + CP Battery(include Squatting)
A. Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 x 4 sets, 4-5 min - last set all out
B. Power Clean, build to a single
C. Front Squat @ 245lb, 2 reps per min for 10 minutes - bar taken from ground into squat clean on rep 1 every set
D. 10 rounds for time of "Nate" wearing 20lb vest

A. 185/185/195/195 - did not feel good in bottom of squat
B. 245/255/265/270f - almost had it
C. complete 
D. t= 10:11

PM - Swimming int's
120 sec continuous Swim x 7 sets, rest as needed to keep swim continuous and high effort

just shy of 125yds each interval - yeah I'm an awful swimmer but this is a HUGE improvement.
Rested 2 min after first 4 sets, then 6 min break, then rested 90 sec for last 3

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hills sprints and more!

AM - Clean and Jerk intense + Snatch intense(ish) + DL Speed + Upper CP tester
A. Power Clean and Split Jerk, build to a tough double - 5 sec b/t reps
B. Squat Snatch. Snatch Balance. OHS, 1.1.1 x 3 sets, 5 min - all tough sets, build to your 1st set
C. Deadlift @ 12X1, 2 reps @ 225lb x 12 sets, 1 min - focus on fast pull off floor each rep, follow tempo
D. 5 rounds for time:
5 unbroken Push Jerk @ 185lb
5 unbroken Muscle-ups

A. built to 250lb - felt solid
B. 185/190/195
C. felt VERY fast
D. 5:07

PM - Lactic Hill runs
5 x 60 sec Hill Sprint @ 97%, 8 min b.t sets

first 4 were consistent and good, then died on last one - could barely walk back down hammies were on FIRE - felt like 2009 Crossfit Games sandbag hill sprint- HOLY SHIT!

AM - CF (CP) tester
For time:
Hang Power Clean @ 225lb - 5,4,3,2,1
Handstand Walk - 25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft,25ft

t = 4:48
all UB except HS walk - those got hard!

Noon - CF tester (aerobic)
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
50m Run with 65lb Bar Locked out overhead
15 back squats 65lb

10 rounds + 5 squats
had to drop bar after 6th round, then did one more round before finishing with runs on back, shoulder smoked.  Wanted to keep it continuous. 

PM - Low intensity Rowing int's
5 x Row 1000m @ 75% effort, 2 min b.t sets

all about 1:53/500m ave pace - felt good, maybe more than 75% but very smooth throughout

AM - MAP sets
10 sets @ 90% effort:
10 C2B Chin-ups
10 Thrusters - 65lb
50 Double Unders
1:30 min b.t sets

all about 1:10- first 3 sets 65lb, then 4 sets 75lb, then 2 sets at 85lb

PM - Skill work relative to CF Games + foam rolling/stretching + lite running
*Also, include work with some strongman gear - keep it lite

will complete this afternoon- no strongman equipment today