Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009 DailyOm.com

Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Exercise and physical activity could invigorate you today. It might be that by moving your body you are able to stretch the reaches of your mind and refresh every aspect of your life. Getting out in nature and feeling your feet connect to the solidity of the earth could ground you in the present and infuse your life with the joys of simply being. Finding time to do something physical, whether it is a yoga practice, tai chi, or a form of aerobic exercise could help strengthen this feeling of connection. If you can, you might also use your physical practice to inspire your spiritual one by paying attention to the thoughts you tend to have when your breath increases. Doing so could strengthen the bond you have between your body and your mind, making your practice a moving meditation.

Today's Workout:
high hang clean x 1/ hang clean x 2/ squat clean x 3 - 135,155,175,185,195
slow tempo pull ups x3 - 45lb, 50, 55, 60, 65

3 rounds
Amrap chin ups
Amrap air squats in 60 sec
rest 1 min


  1. Joey Joe, the photo of you where your body is parallel to the ground is astonishing. Keep up the amazing work, I am so proud to call you my trainer. I hope to be half as fit as you someday! :)
