Tuesday, November 29, 2011


11/26: OFF
11/27: OFF
back Squat x 3 x 5; rest 3 min @ 255/255/265x3
30 manmakers for time w/ 35lb DB/hand
50 KBS 70lb + 350m Row
t= 3:01
50 DUs, 10 burpees, 40 DUs, 10 burpees, 30 DUs, 10 burpees, 20 DUs, 10 burpees, 10 DUs, 10 burpees
t = 4:48
3:30 airdyne max effort

Friday, November 25, 2011


Thurs noon:
10 x 100m sprint; rest 90 sec; rest 6 min b/t 5-6
all about 13 sec (felt good but pretty sore from this power)

back squat 145lb with light bands 10 x 3; rest 45sec - felt slow
clean and jerk 2x2 @ 80%; 2 x 2 @ 90%; rest 90s - 165 x 2/195/205 - felt weak
work up to tough 3 rep back squat but with good form on two minute timer - 255lb - felt slow & weak
ring dips x 2-3; rest 2 min x 4 - 65lb/75lb/90lb/105lb all x 3 reps

(overall My legs were tired and weak; don't know if it was from sprints yesterday or too much volume squatting this weak)

(rest 2.5 hours)

5 RFT:
250m row
3 rope climbs 15'
15 ring dips
t= 11:45

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


A.  Front Squat x 4 x 5 @ 205lb @ 30X1
B.  Hang squat clean practice x 3; 135lb x 3
C.  Good morning x 10 x 3 sets - 95/105/105

part 1
3 rounds:
10 burpees 25lb/hand
5 muscle ups
rest 12 min
part 2
amrap 3 min for max burpees
row 500m
max burpees
row was about 1:35 + 38 burpees
rest 12 min
20 KBS 70lb
50 DUs

Wed: OFF

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Sat:  OFF

back squat x 5 x 5 @ 235x2/245x3
pushpress x 5 x 5 @ 195lb
jerk dip squats x 5 x 3 @ 270lb
5 sets:
5 TnG power snatch @ 115/125/125/135/145
5 TnG hang power clean same weight
8 CTB pullups
sprint 100m
rest 5 min
(rest 10 min)
400m run @ 90% (uphill one way)

10x: 30 sec airdyne @ 90%/30 sec @ 50%
rest 8 min x 3 total sets; practiced muscle up to handstand pushup

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fri 11/18

hip activation exercises + band mobility
5 min practice bounding over hurdles
5 min practice standing triple jump
work up to 3RM pause back squat - 185/205/225
5 rounds:
amrap close grip bench press 225lb - 9/7/6/6
1 min rest
50m sled sprint + 180lb
3 min rest
*called it after 4 because I slowed to a walk where it was taking over 25sec and killing me- I wanted to stay fast like 20 sec.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

6 week program

I've been doing a lot of rehab and strengthening for my hip, this has taken a long time.  The last few weeks I have slowly been working back up my squat and this week I did 5x5 at 225lb.  Now the next 6 weeks my focus is going to be squatting and getting that back up and hopefully even higher than last year.  I will be doing a lot of speed work and power during the next few weeks with some anaerobic endurance mixed in.  The weekends will be mostly testers.  I am writing out my program so I will stick to it and I have a few other guys doing it with me to help push.  I will try my best to keep this blog updated with my daily workouts.  Many of the wods will come from the OPT blog to compare results with other competitors.  But first I have to get my squat up, then I want some volume work going into sectionals in February.  This week consisted of:
back squat x 5 x 5 @ 225lb
Push press x 5 x 5 - 185lb x 3-195lb- 205lb

200m sprint in 29 sec; rest 4 min
(rest 10 min)
3 hang power snatch - 135lb x 3/145lb x 2
10 CTB pullups
10 burpees; rest 5 min
(rest 10 min)
row 45 sec @ 1:30 pace; rest 5min

Front Squat x 4 x 5; rest 3 min @ 200lb
power clean cluster 2.2.2; rest 3 min - 185lb/195lb/205lb
Good morning x 10-12 @ 95lb
amrap ring Dips (-3) - 30/23/19
4 min amrap Cals on airdyne
4 min rest
4 min amrap
150m row
14 box jumps 24"
4 min rest
4 min amrap
15 DUs
10 T2B
4 min rest
4 min amrap Cals on airdyne

Wed: OFF

OPT tester
10 rounds:
10 burpees (no jump)
10 COVP pullups

t= 7:04