I will try to post more of my daily workouts to this page, and as they get more fun and interesting, I will take some videos again. I just finished the first cycle of the Wendler strength and now Im on the deloading week, so this week will be a little lighter. I saw good gains in my strength and now I will slowly add in some more metcons, aerobic stuff here and there, and add some volume. This last month I just stuck to all short sprints such as hill sprints and sled pushes. I kept almost everything to under 1 min intervals to really work on power. Now I will be adding in a little bit more of 5 min metcons and an occasional aerobic power wod here and there. I am supposed to be going up to a competition in Washington in mid August so I need to be somewhat prepared. More to come on that. I have been feeling good in all my testers I have given myself once a week. Here are some of those:
5 RFT:
15 SDHP + 15 burpees = 6:00 (previous time = 5:35)
3 RFT:
50 unbroken wall ball
rest 2 min
completed with ease
I have also been adding in some more skill based wods and trying to have funn with these:
5 min amrap:
muscle up to HSPU
0 sec rest
20 strict muscle ups
=10 in 5 min + 10 min for 20 MUs
Here are my strength numbers for the past 2 weeks on squats and deadlifts:
week 2 = 320lb x 10
week 3 = 335lb x 10
week 2 = 280lb x 12
week 3 = 295lb x 9
I have added some supplementary work like good mornings along with barbell forward lunges which I really like and will continue.
I will try a couple benchmark wods this month like Fran!