Monday, May 2, 2011

Sectional WOD # 6

The last Sectional WOD is over.  I felt good in this one and had some good subsequent workouts over the weekend.  At the end of 6 weeks I placed 5th in the Region and 57th worldwide.  I'm fairly happy with these placements as I tried not to get too hung up on it.  I needed to stick with my game plan and continue training as I think I achieved that.  I got better throughout the 6 weeks and now I feel ready to dial it in for a month leading up to Regionals on June 3.  This is where it counts; I have to be top three at Regionals to move on.  I will have to find a way to make that happen.


  1. nice work. Definitely interesting to watch how you paced and broke this one up as it differed a lot from the way I attacked it (doing larger and more sets unbroken, but longer recoveries between movements). I think that makes a lot of sense based on our very different engines huh?

  2. Yeah for sure, a lot of thinking lately based on different motors and pacing strategies. Its tough to do in a competition setting when everyone around you is out the gates. All of the sectional wods required pacing and i was never right out the gates which helped me learn a lot. I just did one on Sun:
    1k row + 50 BJs 24" - I didnt pace and I had nothing left on BJs, it was very interesting - gotta learn how to pace and what type of athlete you are.
