Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hip Power

I have still been working on more speed and it is coming around.  A few days ago I did this workout:

1k row + 50 BJs 24"

I was tired of all the pacing and strategy involved with the Sectional WODs so I didn't feel like holding back and started by rowing my as off.  I finished rowing at 3:12.  Then I hustled over to the box and did my first jump then the lactic acid built.  I took a couple breaths and then paired a couple jumps together then my legs literally locked up.  I couldn't link together more than 2 or 3 the rest of the workout.  I never felt this before as I felt good but my legs just wouldn't work.  This teaches me a valuable lesson - PACE!  I did feel quick off the ground though which is what I've been working on.

Here are a couple videos of more maximal hip power with snatches, a max height box jump and hang cleans.  I got a 52" box jump then couldn't stand tall on the 54.5".  The snatches and cleans are coming around and feeling quicker and stronger.  If anyone sees anything I can work on, please let me know.